For this piece, I was granted creative freedom to express a personal mantra for the year. Over the months before creating this project, I had been implementing more restful practices into my life to find balance amidst the busyness of my college schedule. This stemmed from the biblical teachings of Jesus, who in Matthew 11:28 taught us that if we come to him when we are weary and burdened, he will grant us rest. 
I have found that to be tangibly true in my life. I now practice sabbath - a weekly day of rest. Every Saturday, I take a day to do no homework and instead refuel myself by doing restful activities and spending time studying the Bible. Before I started doing this, I thought it would be impossible. Giving up an entire day of work? No way. Maybe when I graduate. My ambitious self thought it would be lazy and irresponsible.
But, I decided to obey God's word and try it out. And what I found was incredible! After the days of rest, I was left rejuvenated and reinspired. The work I did following these saturday's was easier to do, and the results were actually better. I now love my day of sabbath. Not because it is an excuse for a day off, but because it allows my soul, body, and mind to truly rest.
This poster was designed to illustrate our desperate need for rest and invite others to find rest in Jesus, the provider of ultimate peace. 
I took a self-portrait of my weary and burdened self finding peace as I gazed up to the light. The light beam shining on my face symbolizes the invitation that Jesus extends to take rest in him. The typography is my handwriting to add a personal touch, and symbolize the part of my prayer life that involves journaling. 
I hope this piece provides a moment for you to pause and rest, and be reminded that the Lord provides rest when you take the time to sit with him.

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